CHAITM: Cognomotiv Hybrid AI – best match of edge- and cloud-AI

Cognomotiv has highly optimized edge- and cloud-AI that effectively performs non-intrusive system diagnosis, prognosis, and makes recommendations with powerful and efficient native models.


With decades of embedded, cybersecurity and automotive experience, the Cognomotiv team has developed powerful edge- and cloud-AI models that are unique in their ability to perform and report sophisticated fault and failure detection and prediction in a resource constrained environment. Additionally, these models are seamlessly coupled and continuously improved with our powerful composite and distributed learning infrastructure. Moreover, the Cognomotiv solution provides executive dashboards that integrate orthogonal data for a holistic view of vehicle fleets and transportation operations.

  • In vehicle realtime operation

    Our powerful data-driven edge-AI creates unique insights for realtime analysis of vehicle health

  • Predictive and proactive maintenance

    Detecting and predicting faults & failures at their source provides deep insights and recommended actions for current and future system issues

  • Command & control operations center

    Cognomotiv's AI models and executive dashboard solutions quickly identify trends to ensure fleet uptime and vehicle safety & security


Automotive OEMs are spending more than $50B a year on warranty and recall costs - more than half of that software related. This will only increase as vehicles become more and more complex. The Cognomotiv solution detects and predicts faults and failures in these complex systems. This will enable the manufacturers to fix problems earlier and at a lower cost, as well as provide the critical feedback developers and factories need for corrective action.